Video : Speech by Yukihisa Oikawa,Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of the Happiness Realization Party,at Shinbashi Station - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HNuKlsTSFE you can find out more.......more

Flyer : Senkaku Islands are Japanese territory. - Flyer download(PDF)⇒Flyer #2 Senkaku Islands are Japanese territory. Senkaku Islands are Japanese territory Chinese Invasion of Japan Japan officially incorporated .......more

Flyer : We Demand to Expel China from the UN Security Council. - Flyer download(PDF)⇒Flyer #1 We Demand to Expel China from the UN Security Council. We Demand to Expel China from the UN Security Council. China: Threat to Peace and.......more

Video : Senkaku Islands are Japanese territory. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gB89gqCpFFg viagra viagra uk buy.......more

Flyer of the Happy Science Group: If the IMF Makes the Following Adjustments,It could Save the World! - Flyer download(PDF)⇒Flyer for IMF If the IMF Makes the Following Adjustments, It could Save the World! On behalf of the Happy Science Group,we’d like to propose two.......more

Statement Calling for the Government of Japan to “Raise the Matter of Dismissing China as a Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council,” etc. - September 29, 2012 Statement Calling for the Government of Japan to “Raise the Matter of Dismissing China as a Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Co.......more

Statement of Protest Against the Sending of Documents to Prosecutors in Response to the Landing on the Senkaku Islands by Japanese Citizens - September 28, 2012 Statement of Protest Against the Sending of Documents to Prosecutors in Response to the Landing on the Senkaku Islands by Japanese Citizens .......more
