Regarding Prime Minister Abe’s Speech at the Bandung Summit (HRP Statement) - April 22nd, 2015 Happiness Realization Party Today, Prime Minister Abe gave a speech at the 60th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference (Bandung Conference) and .......more

In its protest against China’s attempt to add so-called “Nanking Massacre” and “Comfort Women” to UENSCO’s Memory of the World Register, the Happiness Realization Party submitted a petition, accompanied by 192,036 supporting signatures, to the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office, urging the Government of Japan to take every measure necessary to prevent their registrations. - April 3, 2015 On April 2, 2015, the Happiness Realization Party submitted a petition, accompanied by 192,036 supporting signatures, to the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Off.......more

Regarding the Meeting Between Prime Minister Abe and Okinawa Governor Onaga - April 17, 2015 Happiness Realization Party Today, the first meeting between Prime Minister Abe and Okinawa Governor Onaga was held. Prime Minister Abe asked for und.......more
