Flyer : We Demand to Expel China from the UN Security Council.
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in China triggered by the Senkaku Islands dispute, mobs stormed into stores and factories of Japanese corporations to
loot and destroy the facilities. A number of Japanese corporations were forced to cease operations in China. The incident
revealed that China is still an uncivilized nation that is incapable of fulfilling responsibility as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
China’s Expansionism and Persecution of Human Rights
China has caused frictions with many neighboring countries in its course towards naval hegemony based on its increasing military power. In South China Sea, China invaded the western half of Paracel Islands originally administered by South Vietnam in 1974. China has administered the islands until today.
Besides, China enacted the Territorial Waters Act in 1992 and started claim its sovereignty over islands in South China Sea arbitrarily. In 1995, China robbed the Mischief Reef in Paracel Islands from the Philippines and constructed military facilities that it claims to use as evacuation centers for fishers.
Moreover, China declared the so-called “9-Dashed Line” in 2009 to claim its sovereignty over 80% of the size of the South China Sea by violating international law. While China propagating itself as actively contributing to safety of navigation (Prime Minister Wen Jiabao), it openly announces its intention to challenge freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and is repeatedly violating legitimate maritime interests of Vietnam and the Philippine.
It is one of the largest tasks in maintaining peace in Asia to deter expansion of the Chinese hegemony.
On the other hand, China has to reform its political system in order to protect freedom and human rights, as it is committing serious human rights violations towards Tibetan and Uighur peoples.
Therefore,China clearly lacks the credential as a permanent member of the UN Security Council since it engages in acts of aggression externally and oppresses basic human rights domestically.
as a Permanent Member at the Security Council
It is urgent that the international community work together to solve the crisis in Syria where the government has murdered a tremendous number of civilians in the civil war. However, China (and Russia) vetoed sanction proposals at the Security Council three times, which has caused confusion and dysfunction of the UN.
In addition, it turned out in August last year that China exported special vehicles for transportation and launch of ballistic missiles to North Korea at the midst of a great concern that North Korea might carry out its third nuclear test. This is a clear violation of the UN Security Council Resolution that prohibits export of materials related to weapons of mass
destruction to North Korea.
China is threatening peace and security of the international community, and it does not satisfy the credential as a permanent
member at the UN Security Council that owes “primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and
security” (UN Charter,Article 24). Therefore,the Happiness Realization Party demands to deprive China of its status as a
permanent member of the UN Security Council.