

Response to Chinese intrusion into Japanese territory near the Senkaku Islands

On April 23, eight Chinese maritime surveillance vessels entered into Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands. This is the most Chinese ships to enter Japanese waters near the Senkakus since the nationalization of the island chain last September. Apparently on that day over 40 Chinese military aircraft were operating in a threatening manner near the islands. On April 26, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially labeled the Senkaku Islands as a “core interest.” This move clearly indicates that China is strengthening its measures aimed at taking over the islands, and that it is willing to use military force.

Furthermore, the Chinese government usually outlines a “no first-use” policy related to nuclear weapons in its national defense whitepaper, but in the 2012 edition, this doctrine was left out. China states that it has not changed its nuclear policy, but in light of the Senkaku Islands conflict, it appears that this move is intended to intimidate Japan by hinting at the possibility of a nuclear attack. There is no question that Japan is now facing a greater security threat than before.

The military threats facing Japan are not just from China. North Korea is moving forward with the development of nuclear missiles, and is stepping up its provocation of the international community. Since the Happiness Realization Party was established in May 2009, we have been consistently warning of a crisis for Japan related to national defense. As the security environment of Japan drastically worsens, it is now perfectly clear that our assertions have been right on the mark.

There is no time to lose in enhancing Japan’s national defense, and the Japanese government must quickly strengthen the Japan-United States Alliance based on authorizing the use of the right to collective self-defense. Furthermore, Japan must revise its security policy, which involves relying on the US military. We must boost our self-defense capabilities based on the principle of “defending Japan independently as a sovereign nation.” Taking into consideration the worst-case scenario of a nuclear missile attack on Japan, we must take steps toward possessing the capability to attack enemy bases with cruise missiles, and consider developing an independent nuclear deterrent force for Japan.

In order to rebuild our national defense structure, it will of course be necessary to revise Article 9 of the Constitution, which stipulates that Japan renounces war, will not possess military forces, and will not recognize the right of belligerency of the state. We cannot afford to further delay the strengthening of our national defense. In order to respond to the “clear and present danger,” we once again call for: changing the interpretation of the Constitution; clarifying the fact that Article 9 of the Constitution will not be applied with regard to China and North Korea, which are not “peace-loving peoples” as described in the Preface of the Constitution; and drastically enhancing our preparations for emergency situations.

Also, it appears that a doshu-sei regional government system is being promoted in the Diet. With our country facing a crisis, such a system carries the risk of Japan losing the ability to implement diplomatic and security policies as a nation. The system would inevitably amount to “suicide for Japan,” and therefore the Happiness Realization Party adamantly opposes it.

Hissho Yanai
Party Leader
Happiness Realization Party