Party Statement on the Cabinet Decision of the Acceptance of Exercising the Right of Collective Self-Defense
Today, the government decided to accept the right of collective self-defense at an extraordinary Cabinet meeting. While we cannot deny a feeling that it has not gone far enough regarding areas like tightening the conditions for exercising the right of self-defense due to considerations towards the New Komeito Party, the Happiness Realization Party is pleased to welcome this major turning-point in Japan’s security policy, as it has often called for strengthening the national defense. We look forward eagerly to the development of effective related laws.
The right to self-defense has always been a natural right of the state, and it is natural for a sovereign state to accept the right of collective self-defense. There was strong opposition from the constitutional conservative and left-wing factions, who consider that accepting the exercise of collective self-defense is a “path to war,” but we need to realize that there are also wars that can be prevented by strengthening our deterrence. Indeed, if we look at China’s increased military preparations and its oppressive maritime expansion as well as concerns over outbursts from North Korea, then strengthening security is a pressing issue as far as Japan is concerned, and we do not have any time left to spend all the time on theological controversies or stick to previous interpretations of the Constitution.
Japan has relied on the United States for its national security in the years since World War II. However, there is pressure on the United States to reduce its military spending, and we must acknowledge the possibility that their military presence in the Asia-Pacific region will weaken. In fact, at this moment, the territorial standoff between China, Vietnam, and the Philippines in the South China Sea is becoming more intense, with feelings running high. With the United States currently seeking to abandon its role as the “world’s policeman,” Southeast Asian nations are increasingly looking towards Japan as a check on China, and acceptance of exercising the right of collective self-defense should allow us to respond to these expectations.
As a postscript, we would like to say that to allow Japan to contribute to the peace, safety, and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region as a leading regional power, in addition to this current acceptance of the exercise of the right of collective self-defense, we also need to press ahead with revising the Constitution and the construction of a system to allow our country to defend itself by itself as well as strengthen our strategic diplomacy in order to contain China.
Ryoko Shaku,
Party Leader,
Happiness Realization Party