Happiness Realization Party decides to field Party Leader Ryoko Shaku in proportional representation constituency for 24th Regular Election of Members of the House of Councillors Candidates also fielded in all 45 electoral districts
June 16, 2016
Happiness Realization Party
At a meeting of party officials on June 15 (Wed.), the Happiness Realization Party (HRP) decided to field Party Leader Ryoko Shaku in the propotional national constituency for the 24th Regular Election of Members of the House of Councillors that will be held on July 10. As such, Ryoko Shaku (Party Leader) and Hiroko Nanami (Chairman, Public Relations Headquarters / Director, Finance) will be running in the proportional representation constituency.
In addition, HRP candidates have already been fielded in all of the electoral districts in Japan.
Electoral districts: 45 persons (all prefectural electoral districts in Japan)
Details regarding the candidates can be viewed in the “List of Prospective Candidates in the House of Councillors Election” at the URL below. (*in Japanese only)
List of Prospective Candidates in the House of Councillors Election:
An overview of the HRP Manifesto is provided as an attachment for reference purposes.
Please direct inquiries to:
Public Relations Headquarters, Happiness Realization Party
Tel.: 03-6441-0758 Fax: 03-6441-0764
2-10-8 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
Overview of major policies for the 2016 House of Councillors Election
○ Introduction
The Happiness Realization Party was founded in May 2009 and started its activities in order to form a spiritual pillar (philosophy) for Japan, and thereby realize true happiness for the nation. Since then, the Happiness Realization Party has consistently called for the reinforcement of national defense and economic growth, and this stance will remain unchanged in the upcoming House of Councillors Election.
○ Revision of Article 9 and maintenance of appropriate deterrent force
North Korea has been repeatedly conducting nuclear tests and launching ballistic missiles, and China has been strengthening its expansion into maritime areas based on its massive military forces. In order to protect the lives, safety, and property of the people of Japan against such immediate threats, we shall strengthen Japan’s deterrent force. We shall enhance the bilaterality of the Japan-United States security treaty, and strengthen the alliance between the two countries.
We must undertake initiatives for the development of an independent defense system, starting with revising Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan and doubling our defense spending. In particular, in order to deter nuclear attacks on Japan by North Korea and other nations, we must drastically strengthen our deterrent force, including arming Japan with nuclear weapons for the purpose of self-defense.
○ Strategic diplomacy
The expansion of the People’s Liberation Army of China is the greatest challenge against the protection of peace in Asia. The Japan-United States Alliance as a cornerstone, we shall work for the containment of China, and promote strategic diplomacy. We thus aim to strengthen ties with such nations as India, Taiwan, Australia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. As part of this, we will advance security cooperation with such countries through the provision of Japanese defense equipment, etc.
In addition, the Happiness Realization Party calls for strengthening Japan-Russia relations. By isolating Russia and then China and Russia become close, this will put Japan in a difficult situation in East Asia. As the gap grows between Russia, the United States and Europe, Japan should serve as a bridge between the United States and Russia. We shall thus strengthen relations with Russia, aim for the early conclusion of a peace treaty, and accelerate negotiations for the return of the Northern Territories.
○ “Small government and low taxes”
The Happiness Realization Party’s strategic policies are economic growth and national defense policies. What Japan currently needs is “small government and low taxes” instead of “big government and high taxes.” In the upcoming election, we shall maintain our stance as the only political party that insists on lower taxes.
○ Reducing the consumption tax rate to 5%
The Happiness Realization Party calls for the consumption tax rate to be reduced to 5%. The Abe administration has been trying to overcome deflation and expand wealth through a policy package of monetary easing, fiscal action, and growth strategies. Nevertheless, the Abe administration’s consumption tax hike in April 2014 brought the failure of such scenarios. The tax increase from 5% to 8% has reduced personal consumption, which accounts for 60% of the gross domestic product (GDP), and has led to an economic slowdown.
Looking at the Japanese economy over the past 20 to 30 years, consumption tax has been a drag on Japan’s economic growth. Consumption tax itself does not fit with Japan’s consumer culture, which is oriented toward savings and thriftiness, and partly for this reason, the economy slows whenever there is a consumption tax hike. Far from advancing finance reforms, such tax hikes actually end up reducing tax revenues.
In the upcoming election, the Happiness Realization Party calls for lowering consumption tax. HRP intends to eventually abolish consumption tax in the future.
○ Opposition to national socialism
Although the Abe administration has been implementing various tax increases, demanding that the business community increase wages, and seeking to achieve the realization of “equal pay for equal work,” we cannot help blaming that this is “national socialism.” These political tactics of enlarging the government and strengthening control do nothing but to reduce the private-sector dynamism, which is the driving force of economic vitality, cause national strength to decline, and detract from the freedom of the people.
What will drive the prosperity of Japan is the free economic activities of the private sector. In order to realize private sector-led growth, the freedom of the private sector must be expanded through the bold reduction of taxes such as consumption tax, corporate tax and income tax, and the implementation of policies that are focused on deregulation. There appear to be opinions calling for tax increases for the purpose of finance reform, but we must aim for finance reform that is through natural increases in revenue accompanying high economic growth, and is not reliant on tax increases.
○Proactive investment in key industries
In addition, Japan must proactively invest in areas that can become new key industries for the country, such as the aerospace industry and robot industry. The job creation promoted by such initiatives can be the detonator of Japanese economy. Promoting a “transportation revolution”—including significantly accelerating the schedule for launching maglev train service between Tokyo and Osaka—and activating the movement of people, goods, and capital will make it possible to stimulate economic growth.
○ Promoting immigration policies and the TPP
Japan’s population is declining, so it seems necessary to accept immigrants in order to increase growth potential.
As before, the Happiness Realization Party believes that the TPP is necessary in terms of both economy and security, and calls for its early entry into force. The TPP will not only promote structural reforms in Japan and contribute to the strengthening of growth potential, but also serve to inhibit China through the Japan-United States led economic order, and contribute to the security of the region.
○Japan needs to take greater responsibility in Asia
Japan must bear a significant responsibility for the realization of peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. If the Happiness Realization Party’s policies are implemented, it will be possible for Japan to be born again as a leading power in the world. The Happiness Realization Party thus calls upon the people of Japan to support these policies in the upcoming House of Councillor’s Election. HRP intends to expand efforts further to endorse these policies going forward.